About us

My Story

The Berkeley Etiquette programmes I developed evolved from a fusion of the skills and knowledge I gained through various chapters in life—moments defined by growth and refinement. 

As a Chinese born global citizen, I moved to the UK at the age of 19 for my university degrees. Navigating through the British society with no guidance was certainly not easy, but it was even harder when I started my first job at one of the world’s largest banks as a graduate in London.

I had absolutely no idea how to carry myself in networking events, navigate multi-course meal with clients or how to make small talk with senior people - I wished there was a programme I could attend to teach me everything I needed to know to carry myself with confidence and build better relationships at the workplace.

I had to learn all the lessons the hard way which led me onto a journey of self discovery and continuous learning and growth.

A decade later, throughout very many real life lessons and countless hours of learning from the best experts, researching and practice, I went through a complete transformation and finally regained my confidence that shines from within.

As a result, my career in finance has revealed my knack of storytelling, presenting, hosting discussions, public speaking, and building relationships with high-profile clients and senior executives. These innate talents afforded me opportunities to interview group CEO on TV viewed by over 230,000 people and appear as the face of the bank in its official Expo 2020 commercial. 

As the doors to countless opportunities opened, I realized the door to my corporate finance career needed to close—my ‘aha’ moment had arrived. Through these confidence-building experiences and challenges of adapting to different cultures, I gained the courage to quit my high-paying, full-time finance career to focus on empowering people to transform themselves and their lives. Using my voice and expertise, I aspired to help others discover their hidden potential and excel in their personal and professional lives using the power of confidence from within.

My Learning

Although I hold three degrees from the UK, one of those received from Imperial College, I sought the guidance of the most prestigious finishing school in the world, the Institut Villa Pierrefeu in Switzerland, prior to diving into my new life mission.

During my studies, I learned a set of essential life skills that are not taught anywhere else and how the art of living a gracious life can transform you to thrive in a range of settings, with individuals from diverse backgrounds. I mastered the craft of self-improvement on a personal and professional level which I can no longer hold onto myself.  

As a firm believer of lifelong learning, I continued to learn from the best experts in etiquette, communication and personal growth across the world so that I can continue to share something meaningful with the world.

Outside the world of personal growth, I am also a qualified yoga and meditation teacher, a piano player, United Nations trained interpreter and content creator.

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