In Person Courses

  • Signature Workshop - The Finishing Touch

    One day in person workshop - Dubai June 2024

    Immense yourself in this transformative training which is designed to boost your core confidence to live an elevated life. Cultivate impeccable manners and refine your social skills to succeed in both your professional and personal life.

    • Dining Etiquette

    • Business protocol

    • Dressing

    • Social grace

    • Effective communication

    • Elegance

    • Next course: June 2024, Dubai

  • Dining Etiquette Masterclass

    3 hour masterclass, both private and group options available

    Oscar Wilde once said: “A man who can dominate a London dinner-table can dominate the world.”

    After attending this masterclass, you will have no doubt in how to carry yourself in any dining situation.

    • Napkins, cutleries and glassware

    • Style of eating

    • Golden rules for formal dining

    • Table setting decoded

    • How to manage tricky food

    • Table conversations

    • How to navigate through a multi-course meal

    • Next course:March 2023, Dubai

  • Social Grace Masterclass

    3 hour masterclass, both private and group options available.

    Whether you want to host the best dinner party, become the most magnetic person in the room and know exactly how to deal with every social situation, this course is perfect for you. Explore social graces and be equipped with the essential social skills to help you thrive in any social situation

    • Essential social skills

    • Greetings and introductions

    • The art of networking

    • Interpersonal skills

    • How to host the best dinner party

    • Hostessing with style in any occasion

    • Deportment - how to move gracefully

    • How to be likeable

    • The secrets of being more charismatic

    • Social event etiquette

  • Business Protocol Masterclass

    3 hour masterclass, both private and group options available

    Perfect for corporate professionals ranging from senior executives, middle managers, young professionals and business owners, our business protocol training blends formal etiquette training with real corporate world experience in a cross cultural environment. It will help you create an impeccable personal brand and build strong relationships land you that dream job or promotion.

    • How to create the best first impressions

    • Greetings and Introductions

    • Curating a professional aura

    • Everything you need to know about effective networking

    • Cross-cultural business etiquette

    • Small talk and business conversations

    • Client hosting tips

    • Confident body language

    • Dress code definitions

    • Personal branding

    • Interview etiquette

    • Office etiquette

    • Zoom, email and phone etiquette

    • Professional dressing and image

  • Effective Communication Masterclass

    3 hour masterclass, both private and group options available

    You are only as good as how much you can communicate. Effective communication skills are not only your secret weapon for career success, it is even more important to help you thrive in relationships in life which is one of the biggest determinants of your happiness.

    • What is effective communication

    • The art of good conversations

    • Vocal mastery

    • Story telling - a super power in business and in life

    • Body language

    • Presence

    • Public speaking

    • Building self awareness

    • Methods of communication: Zoom, Email, Meetings, public speaking, presentations

    • How to communicate under stress

  • Children and Teens Etiquette

    3 hour course, both private and group options available

    Learning etiquette and good manners from a young age are one of the best investments for a child or teenager in their early education. The training is designed to leave students feeling empowered to carry themselves with confidence and grace in any social interactions, conversations, dinner parties, school classes, activities and much more. Suitable for children aged 5-9 and teenagers aged 10-17.

    • Essential table manners

    • How to behave at a dinner table

    • What is etiquette and good manners and why is it important

    • First and lasting impressions

    • Introductions and greetings

    • Posture and deportment

    • Crafting positive self talk and confidence

    • Golden rules of politeness

    • How to be likeable

    • How to be a good conversationalist

    • Small talk secrets

    • How to be a gracious guest at party

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