Corporate  Training Programme

Popular Training Topics

  • Business Etiquette

    • Greetings and Introductions when meeting clients cross different cultures

    • Mastering the art of small talk

    • Confident body language

    • Dress code definitions

    • How to dress for business

    • Personal branding

    • Social taboos at office

    • Interview etiquette

    • Office etiquette

    • How to create the best first impression

    • Boundaries and hierarchies

  • Business Meal Etiquette

    • Navigating multi-course meal

    • Decoding table setting

    • Napkins, cutlery and glassware

    • Seating plan arrangement

    • Style of eating - French, English, Asian and Middle East

    • Table Conversations

    • How to handle tricky Foods

    • Wine basics

    • Restaurant etiquette

    • Dining faux pas to avoid

    • How to be a gracious host and a courteous guest

  • Polished Professional

    • Commanding a presence

    • Confident and powerful posture

    • Business dressing and image

    • Powerful body language

    • Professionalism

    • Dress code definitions

    • Professional grooming and dressing

    • How to build rapport with people from different seniorities

    • Confidence building in meetings and interviews

    • Handle difficult situation with confidence and composure

    • Communicate with polished language

    • Professional image through email and zoom meetings

  • Networking

    • Why is networking important

    • How to start a conversation

    • Identify the right groups to join

    • The networking cycle

    • Small talk

    • Conversation topics that never fail

    • How to be more approachable

    • How to manage bad networkers

    • Cocktail party etiquette

    • When to exit a conversation

    • What conversations to avoid

  • Effective Communication

    • What is effective communication

    • Three basic human needs in communication

    • The art of good conversations

    • Vocal mastery - Vocal basics and archetypes

    • The power of good story telling

    • Body language

    • Public speaking

    • Presence

    • Building self awareness

    • Effective communication on zoom, email, meetings and presentations

    • How to communicate under stress

    • Polished language

  • Cross Cultural Etiquette

    • Intercultural communications and business conduct

    • Cross-cultural biases to be addressed

    • How to improve Culture Quotient (CQ)

    • Cross cultural communication style differences

    • Leadership style differences

    • How to handle disagreements across cultures

    • Cultural sensitivity taboos

    • How to show respect to other cultures

    • Key countries culture tips

    • Conversation taboos/topics to be encouraged in different cultures

  • Public Speaking

    • Overcoming the fear of public speaking

    • Powerful presence

    • Body language principles

    • Confidence building standing in front of an audience

    • Develop your own unique voice and style

    • Build genuine rapport with audience

    • Express yourself with authenticity and clarity

    • Harness emotion as an instrument for better communication

  • Customer Service

    • Understanding customers’ needs

    • Empathy

    • Communication skills

    • Telephone techniques

    • How to deal with difficult customers

    • Dealing with challenges assertively

    • Problem solving skills

    • Conversation skills

  • Service Staff Training

    • Table Service

    • Setting the table

    • Setting the service table

    • Styles of service - French, English and American style

    • Formal styles of service

    • Informal styles of service

    • How to handle tough situations

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