Online Courses

  • Dining Etiquette Essentials

    2 hour virtual course, both private and group options available

    Equip yourself with the essential skills to conquer any dinning occasion, from how to use napkins properly to table conversations.

    • Navigating multi-course meal

    • Decoding table setting

    • Napkins, cutlery and glassware

    • Seating plan arrangement

    • Style of eating - French, English, Asian and Middle East

    • Table Conversations

    • How to handle tricky Foods

    • Wine basics

    • Restaurant etiquette

    • Dining faux pas to avoid

    • How to be a gracious host and a courteous guest

  • "The Finishing Touch"

    6 hour signature virtual course, both private and group options available

    Meet the best version of yourself and get closer to your dream life by attending this signature one day course.

    • Dining etiquette

    • Social grace

    • Elegance

    • Business protocol

    • Effective communication

    • Posture and deportment

    • Body language secrets

    • Mindset coaching

    • The art of living

    • The art of conversations

  • Polished professional

    2 hour virtual course, both private and group options available.

    Gain competitive advantage and polish your presence. Landing that dream job or promotion has just gotten easier.

    • Commanding a presence

    • Confident and powerful posture

    • Business dressing and image

    • Powerful body language

    • Posture and deportment

    • Dress code definitions

    • How to build rapport with people from different seniorities

    • Confidence building in meetings and interviews

    • Handle difficult situation with confidence

    • Communicate with polished language

    • Professional image through email and zoom meetings

  • Cross Cultural Etiquette

    2 hour virtual course, both private and group options available

    If you want to feel more confident dealing with clients, business partners and colleagues from different cultures. This course will give you the confidence dealing with any occasion. the subjects offered. Be ready for more doors of opportunities!

    • Intercultural communications and business conduct

    • Cross-cultural biases to be addressed

    • How to improve Culture Quotient (CQ)

    • Cross cultural communication style differences

    • Leadership style differences

    • How to handle disagreements across cultures

    • Cultural sensitivity taboos

    • How to show respect to other cultures

    • Key countries culture tips

    • Conversation taboos/topics to be encouraged in different cultures

  • Effective Communication

    2 hour virtual course, both private and group options available

    Have you ever thought about how much the lack of communication skills is costing you? Learning how to be a good communicator to thrive in your professional and personal life.

    • What is effective communication

    • The art of good conversations

    • Vocal mastery

    • Story telling - a super power in business and in life

    • Body language

    • Presence

    • Public speaking

    • Building self awareness

    • Methods of communication: Zoom, Email, Meetings, public speaking, presentations

    • How to communicate under stress

  • Children and Teens Etiquette

    2 hour virtual course, both private and group options available

    Gift your children with this life changing course to instil more confidence and knowing exactly how to carry themselves in any social situation . Suitable for children aged 5-9 and teenagers aged 10-17.

    • Essential table manners

    • What is etiquette and good manners and why is it important

    • First and lasting impressions

    • Introductions and greetings

    • Posture and deportment

    • Crafting positive self talk and confidence

    • How to be likeable

    • How to be a good conversationalist

    • Small talk secrets

    • How to be a gracious guest at party

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